British Columbia Personalized License Plates
A Gallery

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Best in Class (A+) Slogans:

Flickr User: John Biehler
Not Safe For Work
E. Morgan
What the Funk!
Flickr User: jamica1
Too Hairy
Flickr User: Tobin Copley
Unicorn - full marks for creativity!
Flickr User: MF
Live Life - on the Downtown Eastside!
Click for full image
Flickr User: Foden Alpha
Back to the Future
(seen on a DeLorean)
Flickr User: Foden Alpha
Old Geezer

Vanity! Well played sir!
Flickr User: Jeremy Hood
Be Firm

Flickr User: Foden Alpha
Hocus Pocus! Click to see full image
Flickr User: Roland Tanglao
Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything!
Flickr User: Brandon Dy Tang
How cheeky! A "Hi Officer" slogan on a plate that can disappear behind a cover!
Flickr User: canadiancatgreen
Last Ride as seen on a hearse!
Better than "UR NEXT"!!!

To the Nines

Vancouver Area Code 604

Steal this! Too obvious to be a bait car?

What happens when you steal cars; Busted!

Hu (Who) am I?

It is I!

Hate to fly

Left & Right

This dude is "One Busy Boy"!



The coveted No. 1 plate!

Mr. T rides again! ("I Pity the Fool")

Beam me up, Scotty!

To Infinity and ...
(Buzz Lightyear)

Pee before you go

I Forgot To

You didn't pee before you left, well:
Too Bad For You!

Just for today

Why should she believe me,
When I told her it ... "WASNT ME"

Who do we all work for?
The Man, that's who!

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