Battle in Seattle? Quebec City Summit of the America's? How
about were it all started; the 1997 APEC Conference in Vancouver!
is understood that the plates shown above were produced for
ICBC in a block of 250 pairs (for a total of 500 individual
plates). It is thought that the numbering started at No. 100
and progressed through to No. 350. |
The first plate in the series - No. 100. |
plate were for use on the official motorcades serving the
economic leaders attending the 1997 APEC conference held in
Vancouver between November 19th to 25th of that year. |
design of the plate incorporates an over-sized image of the
APEC logo (at left) and the serial (at right). Other features
include the Federal government's "Canada's Year of Asia
Pacific" logo (at top left); and the Provincial government's
"Pacific Gateway" logo - which was described as
"British Columbia's symbol of welcome to visitors"
(at top right). |
left is a picture of one of the returned plates that
was mounted and framed, along with a dedicatory note,
by ICBC and then presented to various dignataries
and corporate sponsors. It is understood that this
particular plate (i.e. No. 216) went to BC Tel after
the Conference. |
is also thought that, following the conclusion of the Conference,
all of the plates were required to be returned to ICBC and
that, once all collected, these plates were then presented
by the Province to all of the dignitaries from the participating
countries as well as the corporate sponsors. Consequently,
it is extremely rare to find any of these plates in the form
of a matching pair, as most sets were broken up. |
is a slight design variation on the plates used by
the Canadian Military during the Summit as is evidenced
by the presence of maple leaves on plate No. 134 versus
the absence of such leaves on the other two plates
shown above. Plate No. 960 is reported have been on the vehicles escorting President Bill Clinton. |
as flashy as the plate produced for ICBC, the above series
of plates were used by the Canadian military during the Conference.
The serial of these plates remains unknown, but it appears
clear from those pictured above that there were significantly
more military vehicle in Vancouver during the Conference than
there was vehicle shuttling the dignitaries around. |