Sayings & Phrases as Slogans:

He ate Tokyo! |

I ate a lot! |

He ate too much! |

We are truly a glutunous society! |

Be Vegan |

And here is the Vegan |

For Me |

To Enjoy |

I'm so B.C. - I am not even sure what that is |


No Clue

No One Kid(?)

Don't give me no "Bug Eye" (?) |

I Kite; for fun? |

It was an itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka-dot bikini |

Open Please
- on a BMW convertible |

Buh-Buh Black Sheep! |

What Girlfriend? |

A fan of the Bud Light "Wazzup" commercials (or Bugs Bunny)? |

Another fan of the Bud Light "Wazzup" commercials? |


The Judge! |


Love to Tan (Yikes!) |

A Hoser? Someone who drinks Canadian? |

I am (incredibly slow ... I hear)! |

A Hoser? Someone who drinks Canadian? |

A bold claim! |

No Peeking |

Forgiven |

Hide-away? |

7th Heaven! |

Mee Too

Category 5 (a serious wind storm!) |

4.0 Grade Point Average (NERD!) |

Bad Grade Point Average |

At Last |

Do Say |

Old Dog! |

Gazoontite! |

Ride On |

Technical Knock Out |

Break? Vacation? Beer? |

Hurry Up |

Big Fish (little pond?) or No. 1 Carp |

Hello |

Half Pint |

Should this have read "Oh-la-la"? |

3 Under Par |

Gotcha! |
Dude ("G"), for you to envy! |

Dude likes his Sports Network |

The Sweet Spot |

For UNBC - on the car of the University's President |

In denial |

Truth teller |

Wimsey |

Skeptic |

Thanks Mom |

Cool Britannia |

King of the Road |

Love to go |

What happened to Dad? |

Kool! |

Live Large |

Let's Roll |

Tired and Dirty (Tirdy) Too |

Mad Cat |

Love Mom |

New Old |

Fly Gal |

Never Late |

Ace it |

Wise Woman |

Big Daddy |

Pft! |

Positive Thinker |

Sweeten |

Exactly |

Expensive |

There is no business like ... |

You up for me? |

Yeah |

Bye |

Why Not Q? |

Must belong to a hypnotist |

Caller |

That's just scary! (1994) |

We can laugh now - HAHAHA! (2015) |

HA HA! |

Mu Ha Ha! |

Bwahah! |

Clown |

Nobody asked you! |

Thank God(?) It's Friday! |

I go for it! |

If you say so! |

Crab For You (not Crabs) |

Be seeing you |

Go Topless, on a convertible |

Something for "G" |

Seen at Vancouver Celtic Fest Parade |

Dreaming of warmer climates? |

Coolness |

Don't Try |

Bye, Bye Baby (or Blackbird?) |

Your Move |

Chess Move |

Double Down (seen outside a casino) |

Earth For You |

Aaargh |

No. 1 Granny |

Red Hot |

Ease Up |

Godspeed |

Amazing |

Famous |

Jammin! |

Savage |

Savage |

Kisses & Hugs |

Ah-Fore |


A natural 9 - but not a 10? |

Not quite the Hole in One I think they were hoping for... |

Red Two; also a Communist? |

Lap Ian? Does this happen often? |

Your order number, or
When 7UP is not enough |

Bad Art (probably still sells) |

Where everybody knows your name! |

Decafe Coffee |

Hi Lori (one way to get her attention!) |

Many claim to be, few are |

Are they unlucky? |

Love Dancing |

What they state on their dating site profile? |

Revenge of the ... |

Meteorologist? Blind Melon fan? |

See you later |

What time is it? |

Thanks Dep't of Justice? We are intrigued! |

"Why" power is a motivational self-help thing and not related to 'white' power |

If climate change is real, are we ... |

Oh, too hot! |

They think they are so ... |

For You to See - 07 |

Moo! Usually uddered by a bovine |

Nummy, Nummy in my Tummy |

Means to be calm or chill ("I'm chy") |

A term for something that is cool |

To kiss another person |

Don't bother, "you'd lose!" |

Born in 1996 |

Possibly a "Rocky Mountain High"? |

Ex 10
(once was a perfect 10, but not any more?) |

The song of a crow |

Exsqueeze Me (Wayne's World) |

Ta da! |

Yeah, yeah ... |

Must be a single guy |

Driven (to succeed?) |

Opsie! |

Cruising |

A fan of the NHL's "Dead Puck" era? |

For Mom |

Must be a bumpy ride

A benevolent soul?

Funk You?

Are you looking for a 70s guy?
(asking for a friend)

To the maximum |

So What |

8th Generation? |

Two (2) Broke |

I'll be seeing you in ... |

Hey Buster, what are you up to? |

Bad Habit |

Good day mate! |

Go riding |

Go Exploring |

Great day |

Things looked pretty grim in 2020 |

Who isn't up for a good time |

Ben must always be running for something; Mayor, Council, School District ... |

In search of you?

When you need a little torque, use 4-Low

You're Momma!

How does it taste?

Luvvy |

Mx. Mum |

My Girl |

Way! |