Columbia Chauffeur Badges

special thanks to Ron Garay, Don Schneider and Pierre Delacote for providing many of the badges pictured.
To read more about the emergence of Chauffeur's Badges by 1911, visit the page on Driver's Licences via the links above! Otherwise, enjoy the gallery. |
& 1912 |
Statistics |
Year |
Bloc |
Licences |
1 to 209 |
209 |
210 to 554 |
345 |
There is some conjecture as to the origins of the 1911 and 1912 badges shown above as the 1911 Act does not make specific reference to the issuance of a metal "badge" to registered chauffeurs. However, it is known - from available records found at the BC Archives - that approximately 209 licences were issued in 1911 and that a further 345 licences were issued in 1912 (i.e. by starting at No. 210 and proceeding to No. 554). Both of the badges shown above display numbers that would correspond to these years, although it is no known why the province decided to change styles in 1912. |
* * * * |
When the Act was amended in 1913, the definition of a "Chauffeur" was simplified to mean "any person operating or driving a motor as an employee or for hire", while Section 21 (Issuance of licence) was also amended to include reference to a "badge", specifically: |
The Superintendent of Provincial Police shall, at the time of the issue of a licence under this section, also issue and deliver to each chauffeur so licensed a suitable metal badge having thereon the licence number assigned to such chauffeur:
(a) |
Such badge shall be of a distinctly different colour for each year, and shall be valid only during the term of the licence of the chauffeur to whom it is issued as aforesaid: |
(b) |
This badge shall thereafter be worn by such chauffeur, affixed to the front of his hat or cap in a conspicuous place, at all times while he is operating, driving, or in charge of a motor upon a highway: |
(c) |
No chauffeur having been licensed as herein provided shall voluntarily permit any other person to possess or use his licence or badge; nor shall any person while operating, driving, or in charge of a motor use of possess any chauffeur's licence or badge belonging to another person, or a fictitious or invalid chauffeur's licence or badge: |
(d) |
In the event of the loss, mutilation, or destruction of a chauffeur's badge, such chauffeur may obtain from the Superintendent of Provincial Police a duplicate thereof or substitute therefor upon filing in the office of the Superintendent of Provincial Police an affidavit setting out the fact, and the payment of a fee of one dollar. |
- 1930 |
Statistics |
Year |
Bloc |
Licences |
1 to 1903 |
1,903 |
1 to 2500 |
988 |
unknown |
1,139 |
unknown |
1,861 |
unknown |
N/A |
unknown |
N/A |
unknown |
N/A |
unknown |
N/A |
unknown |
N/A |
unknown |
N/A |
1 to 6000 |
N/A |
1 to 6000 |
N/A |
1 to 6000 |
5,342 |
1 to 6000 |
5,673 |
unknown |
5,400 |
unknown |
5,435 |
unknown |
5,960 |
unknown |
6,233 |
Willis Stephenson & Company are known to have provided the province with the 1913 Chauffeur badges, with an initial order of 1,000 followed by an additional 500 badge "rush" order on April 24, 1913, "as the badges are going much faster than we expected." |
On September 25, 1913, the Superintendent of Provincial Police, Colin Campbell, wrote Willis Stephenson & Company to provide details on what he was looking for in the 1914 badges, specifically that they be: |
polished brass or coppered with black letters and figures similar to last years badge but a little smaller might do. I do not think they would require to be quite as heavy material, unless the next lightest weight would be too flimsy ... the size of the badge [is] to be slightly smaller and instead of being oval to be more straight in design with corners chipped about 2 1/2" x 1 1/4". We will require the year 1914 stamped on in small figures and the number of the licence as large as possible the numbers will go from 1 to 1500. |
Willis Stephenson & Company were subsequently awarded the contract for the 1914 badges on October 18, 1913. |
On August 24, 1914, Superintendent Campbell, wrote to advise Willis Stephenson & Company that they had again won the contract to provide the 1915 Chauffeur badges, and that: |
3,000 (three thousand) Chauffeur Badges, as per sample, with enamel in red on bronze, badge and number in metal, numbered consecutively from one to three thousand (1 - 3,000) delivered f.o.b. this office; on or before the 15th. of November, 1914. as a price of Eleven Dollars and ninety cents ($11.90) per hundred (100)" would now be required. |
The Superintendent also added that "if it were possible to have the licence number in larger figures I think it would be an improvement, and the 19-15 could probably be placed in the corner at the end of "Chauffeur". |
Although the 1911 Act to regulate the Use and Operation of Motor-vehicles had required applicant's for a Chauffeur's Licence to submit two character references who could confirm their "fitness to hold a licence as chauffeur", in 1929 the Motor Vehicle Branch department of the Provincial Police was advising that "before granting a Chauffeur's Licence to an applicant who resides in a Municipality, please obtain from such applicant a certificate, signed by the Chief of Police of that Municipality, stating that the applicant is a fit and proper person to be granted a licence as a Chauffeur." |
* * * * |
Under the Motor-vehicle Act Amendment Act 1930, the classification of Chauffeur's Licences into three distinct classes; 'A', 'B' and 'C' was introduced, specifically: |
Class 'A': |
entitled the holder to drive and operate every kind of motor-vehicle: |
Class 'B': |
entitled the holder to drive and operate any motor-vehicle having a seating capacity not exceeding seven passengers, inclusive of the driver, and any motor-vehicle used exclusively in the transporting of personal property: |
Class 'C': |
entitled the holder to drive and operate any motor-vehicle used exclusively in the transporting of personal property. |
For those wishing to obtain with a Class 'A' or Class 'B' Licence, it was now necessary to pass an examination and provide certain certificates (Class 'C' Chauffeur's Licences were to be issued as before). These classifications came into operation on January 1, 1931. The fee for a Class 'A' licence was also set at $7.50; for a Class 'B' licence at $6.00 and for a Class 'C' licence at $4.00. |
Wishing to "obviate a rush to the beginning of the year" the MVB had notified all chauffeur's to inform them of the Class of licence they would be applying for, after which they were directed to a location at which to sit their examination. |
At left is an example of an application for a Class 'A' Chauffeur's Licence that was introduced in 1931.
By late November of 1930 the MVB was conceding that "in quite a few cases applicant's for Class 'A' and Class 'B' Chauffeur's Licences have failed in their written examination, and it will be necessary for them to take another examination and pass in the same before a 1931 Class 'A' or Class 'B' Chauffeur's Licence will be issued to them." |
It was also noted that "as there seems to be come confusion in regard to the type of certificate required for an owner-driver, I beg to state that in such cases a certificate to the effect that such an applicant owns his own equipment, and stating the time he has been driving the same, will be sufficient for a Class 'B' Licence." |
1931 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
unknown |
611 |
Class 'B':
unknown |
1,270 |
Class 'C':
unknown |
4,155 |
Within the first few months of the new regime, numerous complaints had been lodged with the province regarding individuals "who have not complied with the Act and obtained chauffeur's licences for the class of equipment which they are operating, are being allowed to continue to drive motor-vehicles as chauffeurs." |
This prompted the Assistant Commissioner of the BC Provincial Police to write "All Employers of Chauffeurs" on March 4, 1931, reminding them of the recent changes to the Act and advising that "instructions are being issued to all police to make a check-up of those persons who are operating as chauffeurs without the necessary licences and to prosecute in all such cases, both the person so operating and his employer." |
1932 |
Class 'B' |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
unknown |
542 |
Class 'B':
unknown |
1,222 |
Class 'C':
unknown |
4,203 |
1933 |
Class 'A' |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
unknown |
524 |
Class 'B':
unknown |
1,179 |
Class 'C':
unknown |
4,030 |
1934 |
Class 'B' |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
unknown |
549 |
Class 'B':
unknown |
1,277 |
Class 'C':
unknown |
4,534 |
1935 |
Class 'A' |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
unknown |
612 |
Class 'B':
unknown |
1,221 |
Class 'C':
unknown |
5,650 |
1936 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
unknown |
700 |
Class 'B':
unknown |
1,280 |
Class 'C':
unknown |
7,106 |
1937 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
unknown |
804 |
Class 'B':
unknown |
1,332 |
Class 'C':
unknown |
9,048 |
1938 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
unknown |
863 |
Class 'B':
unknown |
1,309 |
Class 'C':
unknown |
9,274 |
1939 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 1150 |
917 |
Class 'B':
1 to 1750 |
1,315 |
Class 'C':
1 to 10800 |
9,693 |
The following passage comes from Before we were the land's - Yarrow, British Columbia: Mennonite Promise (Neufeldt, Sawatsky & Martens, 2002) and describes the process and need for obtaining a chauffeur's badge in the late 1930s: |
On October 25, 1939, just after Rudy’s sixteenth birthday, Marten’s and Neufeld[t] had made an appointment for him with the Motor Vehicle Branch in Chilliwack to take a Class ‘C’ Chauffeur’s driving test (that was a licence to drive a truck) ... Now he riveted his first Class ‘C’ Chauffeur’s Badge onto his Chauffeur’s cap where he would proudly rivet on three or four more in the years to come. ... A peaked chauffeur’s cap, the decorated belt and wide-waist bell-bottom (twenty-four inch) black pants were marks of distinction which the young truck driver wore with pride. And ... the shirt sleeves had to be rolled up high and the shirt collar turned up. |
Similar to the belt describe in the extract from Before we were the land's (see above), the belt shown here belonged to a Chauffeur who plied his trade in Nelson and Trail (both located in the Kootenay's) between 1941 and 1952. Apart from the neatness factor, we here at BCpl8s are thoroughly impressed with the fact that the belt last 12 years (they don't make 'em like they used to) and that its owner, despite driving vehicles for a living, did not appear to suffer from an expanding waistline during his career.
1940 |
Statistics |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 1150 |
1,028 |
Class 'B':
1 to 1700 |
1,354 |
Class 'C':
1 to 10750 |
10,946* |
1941 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 1300 |
1,193 |
Class 'B':
1 to 1700 |
1,533 |
Class 'C':
1 to 10750 |
14,446* |
This is an example of one of those probably insignificant, yet interesting design quirks that sometimes can be found as a series progresses. In this instance, an extra hole is found in the higher issue 1941 Class 'A' badge shown at right. It is thought that this was done at the manufacturing stage given the preciseness of the hole. |
1942 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 1400 |
1,322 |
Class 'B':
1 to 1800 |
1,722 |
Class 'C':
1 to 14000 |
17,605* |
The examples shown above are the paper version of the licences issued to chauffeurs with the one at left having been issued in 1942, and the one at right in 1947. |
Badge Manufacturers |

1931 - Class 'C' |

1933 - Class 'C' |

1934 - Class 'C' |
One of the earliest manufacturer imprints on the BC Chauffeur Badges is that of The George H. Hewitt Company Limited of Vancouver, BC on the back of the 1931 Class 'C' Badge. |
Between 1943 and 1971, it is known that the Hewitt Company would manufacture the Class 'A' and 'B' badges in a total of nineteen (19) different years, with another ten (10) years being contracted to the Superior Stamp Company of Vancouver. Interestingly, none of the Class 'C' licences in this period were never imprinted with the manufacturers name. |
1943 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 1600 |
1,478 |
Class 'B':
1 to 2000 |
1,801 |
Class 'C':
1 to 17000 |
19,801* |
George Hewitt Ltd (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1944 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 1700 |
1,725* |
Class 'B':
1 to 2100 |
1,942 |
Class 'C':
1 to 23000 |
19,448* |
George Hewitt Ltd (Class 'A' & 'B') |
Both the 1943 and 1944 Class 'C' badges were manufactured of fibreboard as a result of material rationing associated with the War Effort. |
The use of fibreboard is not that unusual and was actually employed by a number of other jurisdictions during the war for the manufacture of vehicle license plates. |
1945 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 2000 |
2,156* |
Class 'B':
1 to 2200 |
2,573* |
Class 'C':
1 to 21000 |
24,523* |
George Hewitt Ltd (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1946 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 2500 |
2,883* |
Class 'B':
1 to 2700 |
3,577* |
Class 'C':
1 to 24000 |
32,851* |
George Hewitt Ltd (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1947 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 3500 |
3,657* |
Class 'B':
1 to 4000 |
4,384* |
Class 'C':
1 to 36000 |
39,135* |
George Hewitt Ltd (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1948 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 4000 |
4,113* |
Class 'B':
1 to 4500 |
4,774* |
Class 'C':
1 to 40000 |
46,360* |
George Hewitt Ltd (Class 'A' & 'B') |
This group of finely dressed young men are the drivers for the Vancouver News Agency and it is thought the photo was taken in 1948. Interestingly, it appears that the men on bended knee are displaying their chauffeur badges on the front of their caps.
Image Source: City of Vancouver Archives
Title: "Group portrait of Vancouver News Agency drivers"
Item No: CVA 1184-3083
1949 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 4500 |
4,909* |
Class 'B':
1 to 5000 |
4,780 |
Class 'C':
1 to 45000 |
50,975* |
Superior Stamp Co. (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1950 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 4800 |
5,094* |
Class 'B':
1 to 5500 |
4,724 |
Class 'C':
1 to 50000 |
53,756* |
George Hewitt Ltd (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1951 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 5500 |
5,108 |
Class 'B':
1 to 5500 |
4,724 |
Class 'C':
1 to 55000 |
49,787 |
Superior Stamp Co. (Class 'A' & 'B') |
The examples shown above are an application form for a 1951 Class 'C' license, followed by the actual paper version of the 1951 licence. |
1952 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 5500 |
4,658 |
Class 'B':
1 to 5500 |
4,353 |
Class 'C':
1 to 50000 |
43,097 |
George Hewitt Ltd (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1953 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 6000 |
4,622 |
Class 'B':
1 to 5500 |
4,229 |
Class 'C':
1 to 50000 |
42,980 |
Superior Stamp Co. (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1954 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 5500 |
4,584 |
Class 'B':
1 to 5500 |
4,057 |
Class 'C':
1 to 50000 |
43,597 |
George Hewitt Ltd (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1955 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
unknown |
4,627 |
Class 'B':
unknown |
4,011 |
Class 'C':
unknown |
48,406 |
George Hewitt Ltd (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1956 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
unknown |
4,978 |
Class 'B':
unknown |
4,243 |
Class 'C':
unknown |
59,443 |
George Hewitt Ltd (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1957 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
unknown |
5,251 |
Class 'B':
unknown |
4,269 |
Class 'C':
unknown |
65,159 |
George Hewitt Ltd (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1958 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
unknown |
5,207 |
Class 'B':
unknown |
4,112 |
Class 'C':
unknown |
61,556 |
George Hewitt Ltd (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1959 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
unknown |
5,295 |
Class 'B':
unknown |
4,485 |
Class 'C':
unknown |
64,359 |
Superior Stamp Co. (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1960 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
unknown |
5,368 |
Class 'B':
unknown |
4,756 |
Class 'C':
unknown |
65,209 |
Superior Stamp Co. (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1961 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
unknown |
5,518 |
Class 'B':
unknown |
4,825 |
Class 'C':
unknown |
64,446 |
Superior Stamp Co. (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1962 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
unknown |
5,672 |
Class 'B':
unknown |
5,010 |
Class 'C':
unknown |
63,677 |
George Hewitt Ltd (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1963 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
unknown |
5,891 |
Class 'B':
unknown |
5,320 |
Class 'C':
unknown |
67,781 |
Superior Stamp Co. (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1964 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 7100 |
5,910 |
Class 'B':
1 to 6300 |
5,432 |
Class 'C':
1 to 75000 |
72,484 |
Superior Stamp Co. (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1965 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 7100 |
6,310 |
Class 'B':
1 to 6300 |
5,785 |
Class 'C':
1 to 75000 |
80,977 |
George Hewitt Ltd (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1966 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 7800 |
7,059 |
Class 'B':
1 to 7300 |
6,435 |
Class 'C':
1 to 87000 |
83,853 |
George Hewitt Ltd (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1967 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 8600 |
7,065 |
Class 'B':
1 to 7700 |
6,876 |
Class 'C':
1 to 95000 |
83,091 |
George Hewitt Ltd (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1968 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 9300 |
7,972 |
Class 'B':
1 to 8200 |
7,078 |
Class 'C':
1 to 98000 |
83,323 |
George Hewitt Ltd (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1969 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 12000 |
8,324 |
Class 'B':
1 to 10000 |
7,768 |
Class 'C':
1 to 99000 |
90,476 |
Superior Stamp Co. (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1970 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 12000 |
8,714 |
Class 'B':
25001 to 36000 |
8,459 |
Class 'C':
50001 to 150000 |
80,977 |
George Hewitt Ltd (Class 'A' & 'B') |
1971 |
Statistics |
Type |
Bloc |
Licences |
Class 'A':
1 to 12000 |
8,433 |
Class 'B':
25001 to 36000 |
7,658 |
Class 'C':
50001 to 150000 |
91,723 |
Superior Stamp Co. (Class 'A' & 'B') |
The following are a series of unissued Chauffeur's Badges from 1971 for each Class, and which shows how the badges were distributed and handled. |
* * * * |
Interestingly, licencing data put out by the Province seems to indicate that there were approximately 82,506 Class 'C' licences issued in 1972. While we are not disputing this, we are not aware of any corresponding Class 'C' badges that might have been issued by the Province. |
City Issues |

1906 - City of Victoria
(unconfirmed) |

1921 - City of Victoria |

1911 - City of Vancouver |

1930 - City of Nanaimo |

© Copyright Christopher John Garrish. All rights