Columbia Commercial Truck License Plates
1979 - 1986

Unfortunately, there are no records available for the 1979 Commercial Truck base, so we are left to present a gallery showing each of the known and assumed letter suffixes. We have not idea where the series started, but think the "F" block is a safe bet or when each of the letter combinations came out. |
Alternate Base Materials |
plates pictured above show how the province experimented
with both a Reflectorized base plate for commercial
vehicles (at left) in the early 1980s, and the more
traditional painted white base plate (at right). It is not clear who the manufacturer of each plate was, but it is assumed to be different companies due to the dies used on each plate. |
Suffix |
HB |
HG |
HM |
HN |
HP |
HR |
HT |
HV |
It is not often you find a British Columbia error plate, but the exampleS shown above are just such rare birds. As can be see, the plates display a two letter prefix, whereas the series otherwise uses a two letter suffix - such as is shown in the Gallery above. |
It is not clear how many plates were affected by this misplacement of the letters in the registration number, or if they were ever even issued to motorists. The three known examples from the mid-'KR' blolc are known, while a later example from the 'KT' bloc also exists (but appears to have not been issued). |
The 'KT' error plate shown above is also not displaying the standard dash between the letter prefix and the first pair of numbers. |

© Copyright Christopher John
Garrish. All rights reserved.