British Columbia Amateur (Ham) Radio QSL Cards

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Thanks to our friends at the Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) web-site, we know that amateur radio operators exchange QSL cards to confirm two-waycommunications between stations. A QSL card sent from one amateur radio operator to another contains details about the contact and the station.
At a minimum, this includes the call sign of both stations participating in the communications, the time and date of the contact (usually specified in UTC or 'Zulu'), the radio frequency used, the mode of transmission used, and a signal report.
The accepted standard for a QSL card is 89 mm by 140 mm (3½ by 5½ inches) and most cards will contain an image, often something associated with the station or the operator.
QSL cards derived their name from the Q code "QSL", which means "I acknowledge receipt." Most are collected by amateur radio operators,shortwave listeners, TV-FM DXers, and other radio hobbyists.
The following is a gallery of such cards used by amateur radio operators in British Columbia and generally tend to be from the 1950s through to the 1980s:

VE7-Ax & VE7-Axx






VE7-Bx & VE7-Bxx







VE7-Cx & VE7-Cxx


VE7CNE (1976)


VE7-Dx & VE7-Dxx



VE7-Ex & VE7-Exx



From the June 1986 edition of Amateur Radio magazine:

A state-of-the-art amateur radio station will be featured at Expo 86, the World's Fair on Transportant and Communication being held in Vancouver, BC, from 2nd May to 13 October this year. The station will be located in the main exhibition hall of the Canada Pavillion, dramatically anchored in one of the world's most spectacular harbour settings.

The station will opewrat on all bands from 160 metres to 1.2 GHz, and all modes including SSB, CW, RTTY, AMTOR, Packet, FM, ATV, SSTV using the call sign VE7EXPO. It will operate froim 10am to 10 pm (local time) each day, and provide an exciting and interesting introduction to amateur radio for many of thge more than 13 million visitors expected at Expo 86.

VE7EXPO, which will feature Icom's newest equipment on all banmds, will have five operating positions - one each for packet, satellite and VHF/UHF, and two for HF HF antennas include a multi-band Yagi, verticals and home-brew bazookas. The satellite system will use two 14-turn helixes on 434 and a pair of 22 element Yagis on 144 Mhz.

The packet station uses the latest VADCG TNC+ p[acket radio interface, and a computer system to allow the public to ask questions about amateur radio - via a packet radio link to the VADCG's (the pioneers of packet radio in North America) bulletin board. The TNC+ can use the Vancouver V2 and V3 protocols as well as AX.25, so packeteers and encouraged to link to the station as well.

The station will be active during as many contests as possible, and count as a special 20 point bonus station during the 1st July Canada Day Contest. All contacts will be QSLed through the VE7 Bureau, with outgoing cards via the CARF outwards bureau.

VE7EXPO will be manned entirely by volunteer amateurs and provide, not only a massive public relations opportunity for amateur radio, but an information centre for many non-local amateurs. Local epeaters on 146.940, 224.300 and 443.525 MHz will be monitored in case visiting amateurs need directions, etc.

Visiting amateurs and encouraged to drop by and operate (with a valid licence or call book address). Amateurs who wish to take part as a group, of who wish to arrange scheds for special events should contact the VE7EXPO Amateur Radio Society, 202 13640 67 Avenue, Surrey, BC, Canada, V3W-6X5.

(Contributed by Robert Smits VE7EMD).

VE7-Fx & VE7-Fxx

VE7-Gx & VE7-Gxx


VE7-Hx & VE7-Hxx



VE7-Ix & VE7-Ixx

VE7-Jx & VE7-Jxx

VE7-Kx & VE7-Kxx


VE7-Lx & VE7-Lxx

VE7-Mx & VE7-Mxx

VE7-Nx & VE7-Nxx

VE7NH (1982)

VE7-Px & VE7-Pxx

VE7-Qx & VE7-Qxx

VE7-Rx & VE7-Rxx

VE7-Sx & VE7-Sxx


VE7-Tx & VE7-Txx


VE7-Ux & VE7-Uxx

VE7-Vx & VE7-Vxx

WE7-Wx & VE7-Wxx

VE7-Xx & VE7-Xxx

VE7-Yx & VE7-Yxx




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