20,010 is issued - June 12, 2007 |
two months into the program and the Winter Games
plates are selling like gangbusters (which comes
as no surprise to this observor)! While ICBC
had forecast a run in the range of approximately
100,000 plates for the five year duration of the
program, 20,000 plates had already been sold within
the first 7 weeks and it is now hoped that the figure
will utlimately top out in the 150,000 range. |
row: VANOC Executive Vice President Dave Cobb
(L), and ICBC's Lower Mainland Director of
Broker Relations and Sales Ed Novak (R).
Front row: Olympic snowboarder Alexa Loo (L),
and Michael Sentes (R).
snowboarder and uber BC plate-babe Alexa Loo
(L) and Michael Sentes (R) showing off the
20,010 license plate issued - 753-MAW. |
celebrate this milestone, ICBC organized a media
event in Richmond in which local resident Michael
Sentes (pictured above) was celebrated for having
been the 20,010 person to order a pair of Winter
Games plates by being presented with a plaque and
a Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games
commemorative sweater. |
it is great to see that there has been such a high
level of support for the plate, it is questioned
why ICBC chose to honour the rather awkwardly numbered
20,010 plate issued as opposed to waiting for another
90 sets to be issued and comemorating the 20,100
plate - which, on the face of it, would seem to
be more numerically identifiable with the date of
the Olympics than is a plate whose first four digits
represent a year (2001) that will be almost a decade
removed from the start date of the Vancouver Games. |
to further belabour the issue, but ... 753-MAW is
also an odd choice to represent the 20,010 plate
issued as, sequentially, it only represents the
18,753 plate in the passeneger run (20,010 would
belong to 010-MBA), while the highest passenger
number spotted on the road at this time was 333-MCN
(being the 52,333 plate in the passenger series).
Clearly, ICBC had to make a lot more plates than
would have been issued to date in order to meet
demand around the province, which explains the discrepancy
between the highest plate number spotted versus
the actual number issued. Nevetheless, 753-MAW?!?!?
I would have suggested using plate 010-MBA
or possibly some other combination such as 010-MBC
- as in 010 for the '10 Olympics, and MBC as representing
the "BC" Olympics. |
interests to motorists who have alreayd purchased
their Olympic plates, it was formally announced
by ICBC at this ceremony (although the information
was already available on their web site), that should
motorists decide to cancel their plates after December
31, 2010, they will be entitled to keep their front
plate as a souvenir (this will certainly be a boon
to collectors). |
whereas all Winter Games plates were to have been
surrender to ICBC by December 31, 2012, it has now
been announced that this sunset clause has been
removed and motorists may keep displaying and renewing
these plates. |
was also gracious enough to release some stats,
which are never easy to come by, and that indicate
approximately 13,000 plates have been sold to date
in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley; 2,700 on
Vancouver Island; 3,000 in the Southern Interior;
and 1,400 in the North. |
45,000th plate is issued - August 13, 2007 |
the pace has yet to slacken and these plates continue
to sell like gangbusters. On August 13th,
ICBC announced that 45,000 Winter Games plates have
now been sold, with an amazing 400 sets a day be
issued by Autoplan brokers - and we are only 4 months
into the program! If this pace can be sustained
through to the end of the year, it is possible that
ICBC might meet its objective of 100,000 plates
within the first 8 months of what is suppose to
be a 4 year program. |
the issuance of the 20,010 plate in June, there
was no special ceremony or designated plate this
time around. However, out of curiosity, this
writer decided to do a little math using the ratio
deduced from the 20,010 plate ceremony (i.e. 94%
of Winter Games plates are passenger), and came
up with 165-MCC as sequentially representing the
45,000 plate. |
place of a ceremony, ICBC used this opportunity
to announce the start of a new contest for Winter
Games plate owners in which they can enter their
license plate number for a chance to win a "2008
Pontiac Vibe, donated by the Pontiac Dealers of
BC." A special web site:,
was created (and picture at left), replete with
a "FAQ" page on the first day, in which
motorists could enter their plate number.
further enticement, ICBC also announced that weekly
prizes would be drawn every Monday for 17 weeks
starting on August 20, 2007 and ending on December
10, 2007. Ten entries are to be drawn each
week with the winners awarded thier choice of either
one of 100 sweatshirts or one of 70 ball caps (each
with an approximate retail value of $30) - provided
that they can successfully answer a skill-testing
question (the answer to which I worked out as 99). |
did you hear something? A back flip maybe?
Is that not Harry Bains (NDP license plate critic)
being quoted in the local media on the issuance
of the 45,000 plate as believing ... wait for it
... "that the plates look good"!! It
would seem that Harry might be admitting that the
NDP dropped the ball on this one, and was a little
too quick to criticise - but fear not you plate
loathers out there, Harry and Carol James still
won't be putting one on their own cars (yet!). |
80,000th plate is issued - January 23, 2008 |

Why is this man smiling? Lets take a step
back and see if that helps.... |

Hmmm, what is he holding? |
I too would be grinning if ICBC had decided to award
me with the coveted first plate issued in a series
(as well as a nifty scarf) - let alone "000-MAA"
from the Olympic base! |
following a number of urgent queries with the good
folks at ICBC it was disclosed that our smiling
friend, Allen Reiffer, had not been awarded the
first plate in the series as the picture shown above
initially seemed to indicate (what he is holding
was described to this writer as a "prop"). |
he was being forced to settle for a Pontiac Vibe
as part of being named the grand prize winner in
the "Show Your Support to Win" contest
that ICBC had launched in August 2007. |
I still
can't help but wonder which is truly the better
prize? The one which is unique and one-of-a-kind;
or the one that is going to depreciate, require
expensive maitenance, and carry higher insurance
Your Support to Win promo winner,
Allen Reiffer, with his new vehicle
and holding a 2010 Winter Games licence
plate. |
Marion Phillips, Regional Manager
of Marketing and Communications, handing
Allen Reiffer (L) the keys to his
new Vibe. Also shown is ICBC's Ted
Ockenden, Kamloops Driver Service
Centre Manager (R). |
those of us who waited with bated breath for months
on the announcement of the Olympic plate, and who
rushed out to our local Autoplan dealer on April
15th to camp over night in the hopes of landing
a low numbered plate in the "MAA" range
(only to be presented with a highly pedestrian "MBV"
suffix), it seems Mr Reiffer sauntered in to his
local Autoplan dealer sometime in July only because
he "liked the look and slogan, and wanted to
show his support for the Games" - and now he
wins the car too! But I digress... |
real news is that ICBC used the occasion to announce
that 80,000 Olympic plates have now been sold, putting
them within twenty thousand of their target only
nine months into the program. |
the pace appears to be slowing down from last summer,
I would not be surprised if they make the mark by
April 2008. No word from NDP License Plate Critic,
Harry Bains, on this latest milestone. |
interests sake, I took this opportunity to do some
calculations, and I think the BC Olympic plate has
now become the best selling specialty Olympic plate
in North American plate history. Keep in mind that
New York did not promote the 1980 Lake Placid Games
on its plates, and Alberta did a very restricted
run for the 1988 Calgary Olympics, and as for California
with the 1984 L.A. Games, well, who cares. So, the
only real competition comes from our friend and
nemsis: Utah, and its 2002 Salt Lake City Games.
tried to make some queries with the Utah Division
of Motor Vehicles to see how many of their Olympic
plates had been issued prior to the cessation of
the program in February 2002. However, once the
DMV people found out who I represented (i.e.
all communication was abruptly ended for they knew
that I was on to something! |
out the highest Utah Olympic plates issued is probably
"618P7", but because of my flimsy knowledge
of Utah's issuing sequence this means nothing, however,
I was able to track down a news article from February
2002 stating that something along the lines of 77,000
plates were issued. |
this basis, and with 80,000 plates now issued, I
delcare BC the Gold Medal Winner! Ha-ha Utah, you
can take your "Greatest Snow on Earth"
slogan and bow down before "THE BEST PLACE
ON EARTH" - thank you very much. |
90,000th plate is issued - March 3, 2008 |
final push to 100,000 Olympic plates being issued
within the first year of the program is on, as ICBC
has now announced that 90,000 have been sold and
that another contest is being launched to help boost
sales! |
ICBC came up with this graphic (it is not my handiwork). |
time, once the 100,000 plate has been issued, a
random draw will be held for two tickets to the
closing ceremonies to the Games. All motorists who
have purchased an Olympic games plate will automatically
be entered in the contest, but so will anybody willing
to write a 200-300 word essay on "What the
2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Closing
Ceremonies mean to me"! |
first, I thought to myself who the heck would
opt to write the essay when they could simply
fork out the $35 and buy a set of plates. But,
after reviewing the contest rules, it does not
appear that the essay has to be in support of
the Olympics, gramatically correct, or even in
the English language (I wrote mine in Klingon)!
Basically, ICBC probably won't even be reading
the essay's (just making sure the entry is accompanied
by one) beforing entering the essayist into the
contest. So, as the old truism goes, "enter
once, and enter often" ...
100,000th plate is issued - April 9, 2008 |
previous milestones, the announcement related to
the 100,000 plate was very subdued as it is assumed
that all the Corporation's resources are being marshalled
for the fesitivites expected on April 25th for the
announcement of who has won the coveted tickets
to the open cermonies. |
this writer was made aware of the news on April
16, 2008, which also happens to mark the first anniversary
of the plates being released. |
100,000th plate is celebrated - May 12, 2008 |
the presses! |
curler Georgina Wheatcroft (back); plate 230-MFM
and Kelly Milroy of Westbank (front), purchaser
of the 100,000 Olympic plate! |
May 2, 2008, ICBC rolled out its red-carpet treatment
(their promotions team must be becoming expert at
these "milestone events") and staged a
photo-op in Westbank attended by Olympic curler
Georgina Wheatcroft and ICBC's Regional Manager
(Sales and Marketing), Chris Gibson, along with
the 100,000 plate purchaser; Kelly Milroy (the formal
press release was sent out 10 days later). |
to ICBC, Mr Millory was awarded with a plaque to
mark the occassion as well as a gift basket to thank
him for his support. |
according to ICBC's Jeff Schulz, Vice President,
Strategic Marketing: "Selling 100,000 Winter
Games licence plates in one year demonstrates British
Columbians are proud supporters of the Games."
Alternately, it could be argued that motorists are
desperate to rid themselves of the tired old "Flag
base" and have flocked to the Olympic base
as it is the only option available. |
terms of the regional distribution of the Olympic
plates, ICBC advised that approximately 64,000 plates
sold in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley, 13,000
sold on Vancouver Island, 16,000 sold in the Southern
Interior and 7,000 sold in Northern B.C. |
130,000th plate is issued - October 23, 2008 |
has been five long months since we last had a milestone
announcement from ICBC regarding the sales of the
Olympic base, but today my friends, our appetite
has finally been sated! |
sales have definitely slowed down over the same
period in 2007, the Corporation still managed to
moved 30,000 more sets in the past six months (about
5,000 sets a month or 150 sets a day). |
latest break-down shows that approximately 84,543
plates have been sold in the Lower Mainland and
Fraser Valley; 16,049 sold on Vancouver Island;
21,271 sold in the Southern Interior; and 8,615
sold in Northern B.C. |
Dave Cobb, Executive Vice President of Revenue,
Marketing and Communications at VANOC stated to
the media that he felt "many British Columbians
[are] supporting the Games and our athletes through
the purchase of the plates", we here at
still think that a large degree of the success of
the plates is related to pent-up demand for something
other than the 23 year-old Flag Graphic base. Nevertheless
... |
a page from the 2007 "Show Your Support to
Win" campaign, ICBC announced the "Behind
the Drive" campaign, which offers some lucky
person the opportunity "to attend a men's ice
hockey event at the 2010 Olympic Winter Games".
No word yet on whether this "ice hockey event"
will be an actual medal game at "Canada
Hockey Place" (aka General Motors Place), or
team Kazahkstan warming-up before practice at UBC? |
enter the contest one needs to navigate their
way to the "Behind the Drive" web site
ICBC is also using this site to "help profile
some of BC's athletes and showcase what's behind
their drive to the Olympic and Paralympic Winter
are some nifty multi-media features here including
video profiles of some Olympians and ten free song
downloads of musicians (principally Keith Urban
- Oi, Oi, Oi) selected by the athletes. |
for our purposes here at, the best part
of the site is the photos of the athletes taken
in front of vehicles sporting the Olympic license
plate. We are assuming that these are suppose to
represent the athletes "own" vehicles
as, for the most part, they display generic plates,
albeit with some odd quirks. |
the photo of Alexa Loo for instance. While we are
loath to criticise the uber-BC plate babe (by the
way, we love the new haircut!), you have foresaken
the decal box provided expressly for the day decal
and have thrown off the whole symetry of your Olympic
plate design Alexa! |
Sonja Gaudet knows that you are suppose to display
your registration decal on the rear plate and not
the front plate, while we are thinking Jeff Kitura
is a bicycle enthusiast who does not own a vehicle
as he has had to borrow the coveted 000-MAA plate
for the photo shoot (again, the registration decal
goes should be displayed on the rear plate). |
said, they are very nice studio photos and we are
looking forward to seeing more athletes pictured
with their Olympic plates. |
plates are issued - February 12, 2009 |
the title of "ICBC proud to support 2010 Winter
Games", the Corporation put out a News Release
today in which it was mentioned, almost as a footnote,
that more than 140,000 Olympic license plates have
now been issued. |
purpose of the release, however, was really to announce
that ICBC will be allocating approximately 75% of
the 2,264 tickets it requested for the Games as
a reward to "customers, business partners and
suppliers." |
remaining 25 percent will apparently be used by
ICBC employees that have a legitimate business purpose,
such as hosting customers and business partners,
while a small number of employees who participate
in various corporate health and wellness activities
will also be entered into draws for the other tickets.
Of interest, the Corporation indicated that a better
publicised announcement may be coming in the next
little while as they intend to enter lucky customers
names to win tickets in some "program soon
to be announced." We await with bated breath! |
plates are issued - June 26, 2009 |
covering eight separate media releases over the
past two years, we apologise for any repetition
that might be occuring in these posts as ICBC is
using a boiler-plate approach to marking these milestones
and there are only so many ways I can spin it. |
150,000 plates have now been issued and Lyle Short
of Maple Ridge was singled out as the recepient
of the 150,000th set of plates. This honour comes
with a "special reward" - unfortunately
for Lyle it is not a Pontiac Vibe, such as the one
that was issued to the fellow who received the 80,000th
pair of plates, but some "event tickets"
for the Winter Games. |
Jeff Schulz, Vice President of Strategic Marketing,
is quoted, again, as saying he believes
that "these phenomenal sales really demonstrate
the passion and enthusiasm British Columbians have
towards the Games." |
We believe that Jeff has missed the point entirely,
and that British Columbians are probably more pasionate
about ridding their cars of the tired old "Flag"
graphic base in favour of something (anything) else. |
latest issuing statistics show that approximately
98,000 plates sold in the Lower Mainland and Fraser
Valley; 18,000 on Vancouver Island; 24,000 in the
Southern Interior and 10,000 in Northern B.C.
18 months left before the program expires on December
31, 2010, it will be interesting to see how many
more of these plates the Corporation will be able
to flog. I am going to guess that there will be
renewed interest in the months leading up to the
Games in Febraury, but that few will be sold after
that. |
plates are issued - September 15, 2009 |
in the past, ICBC tied the latest milestone into
the announcement of the contest to award some tickets
to various Olympic events. To quote from the media
release: |
only 150 days to go until the Vancouver 2010 Olympic
and Paralympic Winter Games, ICBC is awarding 150
pairs of Olympic tickets to its customers to thank
them for getting ‘behind the drive' and supporting
the Games.
this year, ICBC launched its Tickets to 2010 campaign
and customers who purchased special 2010 Winter
Games licence plates by June 14, 2009, were automatically
entered into a draw to win one of 150 pairs of 2010
Winter Games event tickets. |
plates are issued - January 19, 2010 |
What more can I say after almost three years? |
Of interest in today's media release was that, with 24 days to go till the Opening Ceremonies, there has been a slight up-tick in sales with approximately 15,000 plates being sold in the past 4 months (whereas it had previously taken 3 months to move 10,000 plates). Not surprisingly, Lower Mainland motorists appear to be purchasing more of the plates than their Island or Inland neighbours as we get closer to February 12th. |
Also of note, there is some conjecture that a plate from the high-end of the passenger series was spotted a few weeks back (i.e. a plate ending in "MJA"), which leads one - or, at least me - to beleive that the Corporation may be running low on plates. It will be interesting to see how long after the Olympic`s conclude that the Olympic plate continues to be offered. |
Otherwise, let the Games begin! |
plates are issued - May 12, 2010 |
As we are now on the downside of the Olympic plate program ICBC does not appear to be making much of the Olympic plate milestones anymore (probably because they are running out of stock), it was not surprising to find the latest statistics related to sales of the plates burried in an Information Sheet related to the Corporation's sponsorship role in the Games. |
Interestingly, it was revealed for the first time that the program has generated approximately $10.1 million to help ICBC cover the cost of its $16 million contribution to the Games. |
It was also mentioned that approximately 184,000 sets of plates have now been issued, but the regional breakdown provided only showed an increase of 3,000 plates being issued in the Lower Mainland with the other regions of the province unchanged from the numbers released in January 2010 (so where did the other 6,000 sets of plates end up?). |