British Columbia Registration
Data - 1926
Plate #'s |
. |
Issuing Office |
1 - |
8,500 |
Victoria |
8,001 - |
8,025 |
re-issued to Fort Fraser |
8,041 - |
8,065 |
re-issued to Revelstoke |
8,066 - |
8,075 |
re-issued to Kaslo |
8,076 - |
8,200 |
re-issued to Vernon |
8,201 - |
8,250 |
re-issued to Rossland |
8,251 - |
8,275 |
re-issued to New Denver |
8,351 - |
8,375 |
re-issued to Lillooet |
8,376 - |
8,475 |
re-issued to Alberni |
8,476 - |
8,500 |
re-issued to Pouce Coupe |
8,501 - |
8,825 |
Alberni |
8,826 - |
10,425 |
Cumberland |
10,426 - |
11,725 |
Duncan |
11,726 - |
14,225 |
Nanaimo |
14,226 - |
14,250 |
Anyox |
14,251 - |
14,475 |
Ashcroft |
14,476 - |
14,500 |
Atlin |
14,501 - |
14,600 |
Clinton |
14,601 - |
15,750 |
Cranbrook |
15,751 - |
16,425 |
Fernie |
16,426 - |
16,575 |
Fort Fraser |
16,576 - |
16,725 |
Golden |
16,726 - |
17,050 |
Grand Forks |
17,051 - |
17,275 |
Greenwood |
17,276 - |
18,625 |
Kamloops |
18,626 - |
18,675 |
Kaslo |
18,676 - |
18,725 |
Lillooet |
18,726 - |
19,050 |
Merritt |
19,051 - |
19,900 |
Nelson |
19,901 - |
19,950 |
New Denver |
19,951 - |
21,500 |
Penticton |
21,501 - |
21,550 |
Pouce Coupe |
21,551 - |
21,850 |
Prince George |
21,851 - |
22,150 |
Prince Ruppert |
22,151 - |
22,250 |
Quesnel |
22,251 - |
22,600 |
Revelstoke |
22,601 - |
23,150 |
Rossland |
23,151 - |
23,375 |
Smithers |
23,376 - |
23,450 |
Stewart |
23,451 - |
26,150 |
Vernon |
26,151 - |
26,325 |
Williams Lake |
26,326 - |
26,500 |
Wilmer |
26,501 - |
34,000 |
New Westminster |
34,001 - |
60,000 |
Vancouver |
59,601 - |
60,000 |
re-issued to New Westminster |
. |
60,001 - |
60,725 |
New Westminster |
60,726 - |
64,000 |
Vancouver |
64,001 - |
64,200 |
Penticton |
64,201 - |
64,250 |
Victoria |
64,251 - |
64,275 |
Smithers |
64,276 - |
64,325 |
Rossland |
64,326 - |
64,350 |
Prince George |
64,351 - |
64,425 |
Cranbrook |
64,426 - |
64,500 |
Nelson |
64,501 - |
64,800 |
Victoria |
64,801 - |
64,900 |
Vernon |
64,901 - |
64,925 |
Fort Fraser |
64,926 - |
64,937 |
Quesnel |
64,938 - |
64,939 |
Queen Charlotte |
64,940 - |
64,950 |
Victoria |
64,946 - |
. |
re-issued to Queen Charlotte |
64,951 - |
65,000 |
Prince George |
65,001 - |
65,100 |
Vernon |
65,101 - |
65,200 |
Fernie |
65,201 - |
65,300 |
Victoria |
65,301 - |
65,400 |
Nanaimo |
65,401 - |
65,450 |
Prince Ruppert |
65,451 - |
65,500 |
Cumberland |
65,501 - |
65,600 |
Victoria |
65,601 - |
65,650 |
Rossland |
65,651 - |
65,700 |
Revelstoke |
65,701 - |
65,800 |
Victoria |
65,801 - |
65,900 |
Cranbrook |
65,901 - |
65,925 |
Wilmer |
65,926 - |
65,950 |
Smithers |
65,951 - |
66,000 |
Nelson |
66,001 - |
66,400 |
Vancouver |
66,351 - |
66,400 |
re-issued to New Westminster |
66,401 - |
66,600 |
Victoria |
66,601 - |
66,700 |
Cumberland |
66,701 - |
67,000 |
Victoria |
67,001 - |
67,100 |
Duncan |
67,101 - |
67,200 |
Victoria |
67,201 - |
67,600 |
New Westminster |
67,601 - |
67,700 |
Nanaimo |
67,701 - |
67,800 |
Vernon |
67,801 - |
67,900 |
Penticton |
67,901 - |
68,000 |
Victoria |
68,001 - |
68,025 |
Rossland |
68,026 - |
68,050 |
Nelson |
68,051 - |
68,065 |
Fort Fraser |
68,066 - |
68,100 |
Cranbrook |
68,101 - |
68,300 |
Victoria |
68,301 - |
68,325 |
Nanaimo |
68,326 - |
68,350 |
Victoria |
68,351 - |
68,375 |
New Westminster |
68,376 - |
68,500 |
Victoria |
68,501 - |
69,000 |
Vancouver |
Plate #'s |
. |
Issuing Office |
1 - |
300 |
Victoria |
101 - |
105 |
re-issued to Fort Fraser |
301 - |
315 |
Alberni |
316 - |
335 |
Cumberland |
336 - |
360 |
Duncan |
361 - |
400 |
Nanaimo |
401 - |
405 |
Ashcroft |
406 - |
410 |
Clinton |
411 - |
420 |
Cranbrook |
421 - |
430 |
Fernie |
431 - |
440 |
Golden |
441 - |
450 |
Grand Forks |
451 - |
455 |
Greenwood |
456 - |
470 |
Kamloops |
471 - |
475 |
Kaslo |
476 - |
480 |
Lillooet |
481 - |
485 |
Merritt |
486 - |
500 |
Nelson |
501 - |
505 |
New Denver |
506 - |
520 |
Penticton |
521 - |
525 |
Prince George |
526 - |
535 |
Prince Ruppert |
536 - |
540 |
Quesnel |
541 - |
550 |
Revelstoke |
551 - |
560 |
Rossland |
561 - |
565 |
Smithers |
566 - |
570 |
Stewart |
571 - |
620 |
Vernon |
621 - |
625 |
Williams Lake |
626 - |
630 |
Wilmer |
631 - |
750 |
New Westminster |
751 - |
1,500 |
Vancouver |
Plate #'s |
. |
Issuing Office |
1 - |
300 |
Victoria |
136 - |
140 |
re-issued to Smithers |
186 - |
195 |
re-issued to Pouce Coupe |
196 - |
200 |
re-issued to Fort Fraser |
201 - |
250 |
re-issued to Vancouver |
251 - |
265 |
re-issued to Penticton |
266 - |
280 |
re-issued to Wilmer |
281 - |
300 |
re-issued to Alberni |
301 - |
350 |
Cumberland |
351 - |
400 |
Duncan |
401 - |
475 |
Nanaimo |
476 - |
490 |
Ashcroft |
491 - |
500 |
Fort Fraser |
501 - |
550 |
Cranbrook |
551 - |
600 |
Fernie |
601 - |
625 |
Golden |
626 - |
650 |
Grand Forks |
651 - |
750 |
Kamloops |
751 - |
765 |
Kaslo |
766 - |
775 |
Quesnel |
776 - |
800 |
Merritt |
801 - |
875 |
Nelson |
876 - |
925 |
Penticton |
926 - |
950 |
Prince George |
951 - |
975 |
Prince Ruppert |
976 - |
1,000 |
Revelstoke |
1,001 - |
1,050 |
Rossland |
1,051 - |
1,075 |
Smithers |
1,076 - |
1,200 |
Vernon |
1,201 - |
1,400 |
New Westminster |
1,401 - |
2,000 |
Vancouver |
Plate #'s |
. |
Issuing Office |
1 - |
25 |
Victoria |
26 - |
50 |
Vancouver |
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John Garrish. All rights reserved.